Edge is National Nutrition Month, so we design to take a look at various solid food topics in the next few weeks, starting nowadays. Back in November, our friend and familiar D-advocate Colored Vieira did a comparison of gluten-free protein bars, which divine U.S. to do our own.

For those of you who haven't detected, I am also gluten-intolerant connected top of having type 1 diabetes, and information technology is my thanksgiving and my curse to be addicted to victual bars. Blessing because I really don't leave out regular bread, muffins, pasta or other carb-load up foods much at all; curse because I would probably eat sweet, elastic nutrition parallel bars for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I could. A carb is a carb, right? That's wherefore I loved the idea of looking into high-protein parallel bars, which ostensibly offer more than a belly chockful of carbs.

I gleefully seamless boxes of five antithetical brands, and this is how they went down, indeed to speak:

{Editor's Note: This is not a scientific rating by whatsoever substance; I just compared basic nutritional info, and my relative enjoyment in eating these things.}

Quest Parallel bars

boast 20g protein, 19g fiber, 6g fat, 24 carbs (only 1g sugars), and 170 calories

This bar has a very wide-eyed inclination of totally-normal ingredients, only managed to mouthful artificial nonetheless (?) I tried chocolate brownie spirit, which didn't really taste very chocolatey at all, only rather had a syrupy sweetness to it that reminded me of many another other gluten-rid of products I've tried.

It was very chewy, something I appreciate, but that honeyed sensation got to represent almost also much by the terminate of the legal community. Still, information technology has a discriminating thickness to IT that fills you leading well, and you have to appreciate something that provides 19 grams of fiber (almost as high as the carb enumeration) without upsetting your stomach. The box says "Quest is the first bar you can eat guilt free," and I guess in that location's something thereto. But the lack of actual chocolate flavor made these less appealing to me.

Nutshell: best nutritional stats, fill but bland

Nogii parallel bars

bluster 20g protein, 2g fiber, 8g fat, 20g carbs, (10g sugars), and 230 calories

This one has more calories, just there's also much bar to enjoy, and enjoy I did. I plant the peanut butter & chocolate relish Nogii parallel bars I tried to be reminiscent of Luna Bars, in the good sense that it's rather a gluten-free Sir Tim Rice crispy bar, with a deep brown rear and Sir Thomas More chocolate drizzled on top. It's pregnant and filling, and gave ME the guilty wizard of eating a rather satisfying afters. It doesn't have that processed mealy flavour that many bars act — atomic number 3 if the manufacturers put over milk whey extract and Xanthan gum and a bunch of separate healthy GF stuff in a blender and mushed it up into the loot for a bar. Nogii bars mouthful like historical food, and I the likes of that a lot. Afterward inspecting the publicity, I scholarly that the woman behind these bars is ABC's The Viewco-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who's also author of the popular book "The G-Free Diet: A Gluten-Free Survival Guide." She seems to think gluten-free eating is a catholicon. I doubt that, but I do wish her bars.

Nutshell: tastes like a chewy rice crispy treat, with loads of protein

PR Bars

boast 15g protein, 1g fiber, 7g fat, 21 carbs (17g sugars), and 200 calories

Arsenic Ginger discovered, these are just spare yummy. The flavor I tried has a thin layer of chocolate coating over a kinda crunchy-yet-soft-and-chewy goober butter flavored inside. I really whenever I eat one of these because it tastes too good to not be awful for you. At 15 grams of protein and simply 200 calories — even though that's not quite as high-protein and squat calorie as the Quest bars for example — that's a pretty good ratio, and with this kind of afters-quality flavor, the Praseodymium Parallel bars are a winner, to my mind! The only when caution would be that they're so good, you're tempted to englut along them 😉

Nutshell: tastes like a smooth glaze-bar do by, but good for you!

Seitenbacher Parallel bars

boast 16g protein, 14g fibre, 7g fat, 25 carbs (13g sugars), and 180 calories

These are the weirdest of the parallel bars I tested, and non because they're foreign from Germany (I'm used to their gluten-free fare!)

If I'm not mistaken, these bars were improved for body builders, who are more concerned about nutrition-loading than enjoying a yummy snack. What's strange is that the "bar" is served up cardinal separate parts, which seem to be chocolate covered with a nut-flavored filling (in this subject, hazelnuts) like the PR Bars, but the consistency is harder and less sweet-tasting here. So the flavor is somewhat dull, but not totally ugly.

They've non only emphasized the protein, but packed the thing with soluble fiber (16 grams worth!) made extinct of beets (oligofructose), milk protein, and GMO-justify soy lecithin. I don't know if it was the beets or the compounding of unfamiliar ingredients, but although I didn't dislike eating the parallel bars, my stomach did NOT apprize absorbing them. Let's just say they had a laxative effect and leave it at that. If you're going hard on nutrition, however, and have a strong stomach, this bar might work well for you. Still, the Quest Bars beat them out on the basic nutritional parameters.

Nutshell: plain tone, possibly tough on your tum

Hammer Bars

boast 5g protein, 5g fiber, 11g fat, 27 carbs (19g sugars), and 230 calories

These are surprisingly similar to Lara Bars, in the sense that they'rhenium moist mashups of cracked and natural ingredients. I realised it was somewhat unfair to equivalence them to the bunch here, because Hammer calls these "nutrition parallel bars," and not necessarily "high protein." But I'll give you my 2 cents in any case, since I've got a stack of 'em in my closet now.

The cashew nut coconut chocolate chip flavor I dependable really is delicious — in a way, the most natural deliciousness of any of the bars I tried here (register: not engineered to have super-high protein content). You can actually the individual chocolate chips, nuts, and dried fruit bits. But they're so dampish that they just about feel greasy, which will perhaps constitute a number-murder to some snackers. And what I battle with is the 11 grams of fat per bar. That's rather a whallop for a single helping of a nosh food no matter what you compare it to.

Nutshell: deliciously natural tasting, but little protein and senior high school fat

That's my GF protein bar roundup in a nutshell. Please let US screw what type of protein/ energy/ nutrition bar floats your boat!