
How To Repair Metal Side Of An Above Groud Pool

Here is what happened. In the by, ETH transactions for pools were affordable, so 2Miners pool was paying out mining rewards at their own expense. This model is no longer feasible, and now miners have to pay transaction fees themselves.

Nosotros should point out ii things hither. Kickoff, the fee is currently under $3.00. Second, miners can prepare their own payout threshold to salve money. The less frequent the payouts, the less money you lot spend on transaction fees. Here's how you do information technology.

You tin change the minimum payout only if you accept at least one worker continued to the pool, which means that your rig is mining and sending shares. Yous can adjust the minimum payout in Account Settings.

To admission your account (Miner Stats page), go to the main page of Ethereum pool on 2Miners pool website.

Enter the address of the wallet y'all employ for mining in the Your Wallet Address field.

Go to Business relationship Settings.

Point the desired payout threshold in the Payout Value field.

In the IP Accost for Worker field bespeak the IP address of the worker prompted by the website.

The last digits of the IP address must correspond to the prompt on the website.

Click Save.

If you run across the success message, y'all successfully adjusted your payout threshold.

Payout adjustments utilise to the whole business relationship regardless of the number of workers in the account. You need to betoken the IP address of only one worker.


  • Finding the IP Accost in Windows
  • Finding the IP Accost in RaveOS
  • Finding the IP Accost in HiveOS
  • Finding the IP Address in SimpleMining Bone
  • Problems You May Encounter and How to Solve Them
    • Dynamic IP Change
    • Workers with Identical Hash Rates
    • Inactive Workers

Finding the IP Accost in Windows

Connect to the worker (rig) the IP address of which you want to observe. Log into your account (Miner Stats page) on 2Miners puddle. Go to Account Settings. Follow the link "What is my IP?"

Your browser volition automatically open the myIP website page showing your IP.

Finding the IP Address in RaveOS

RaveOS is a popular Linux based operating system designed for mining. Unlike other systems, RaveOS is completely free for all 2Miners pool users.

How to Mine on RaveOS: Detailed Guide and Mining Setup.

In the Dashboard department inside RaveOS, choose the worker (rig) the IP accost of which you want to detect.

Go to the worker you need and choose the Organization INFO tab.

Hither you'll see the External IP.

Yous can also observe it in the console. In Dashboard, choose the worker (rig) the IP address of which yous want to observe and open the control line.

Enter the default countersign (login: root; pass: admin) or your countersign. Enter the following command: wget -qO- Yous'll encounter the IP address.

Finding the IP Address in HiveOS

In the Monitoring console within HiveOS, go to the Workers tab. Choose the rig the IP address of which you need to notice.

Yous'll see the Remote IP in the Overview tab.

You tin also find it in the console. Open the command line.

Enter the following command: curl Click Run.

Soon after you'll run across curl in the notification panel. Click on it.

You'll see the IP address.

Finding the IP Address in SimpleMining OS

In the Rig List section within SimpleMining Bone, choose the worker (rig) the IP address of which y'all want to notice. Click on the Organization Information button to see the public IP accost (pub). This is the one y'all need.

You can also find information technology in the console. In the Rig List section, choose the worker (rig) the IP address of which y'all want to detect. Open the command line past selecting Sellinabox.

Enter the login information as yous access the panel. Login: miner, pass: your email.

Note that the password is not displayed when you enter it. This is role of SimpleMining Bone design.

Enter the following command: wget -qO- Y'all'll run across the IP accost.

Issues You May Encounter and How to Solve Them

Some users run across certain issues as they try to change the minimum payout. In Account Settings you volition see the following message: "The IP address supplied is invalid." Why are you having this problem and how to modify the payout in this case?

Dynamic IP Change

You use a router or modem to access the Internet. You become to the folio with your stats and to Business relationship Settings. The website gives you a prompt, and you identify the worker the IP address of which you demand to discover. If your provider changes your dynamic IP at the same moment, you will get an mistake bulletin when y'all try to edit the minimum payout.

Reload the page with your stats in the browser and go back to Account Settings. Use the prompt from the website to identify the worker the IP address of which you need to find and the last digits of this IP. Endeavour to edit the minimum payout again.

Workers with Identical Hash Rates

Yous take several agile workers with identical (or almost identical) hash rates. When yous endeavour to change the minimum payout, y'all become an error message.

Out of all workers with identical (or well-nigh identical) hash rates, get out only ane running for a few minutes. Turn off the balance. Reload the page with your stats in the browser and go dorsum to Account Settings. Use the prompt from the website to identify the worker the IP address of which you need to find and the final digits of this IP. Effort to edit the minimum payout over again.

Inactive Workers

None of your workers are connected to the pool (the rig is not mining / non sending shares). You don't see any prompt In Account Settings. No proper name of the worker the IP address of which you need to find, no final digits of this IP. When you try to modify the minimum payout, you become an error message.

Connect at least one of your workers to the pool. Wait until the rig starts sending shares. Reload the folio with your stats in the browser and get back to Account Settings. Utilize the prompt from the website to identify the worker the IP address of which y'all need to discover and the last digits of this IP. Try to edit the minimum payout again.

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