
Samsung Reveals 5 ‘C-Lab Inside’ Projects to be Showcased at CES 2022

5 Successful Samsung 'C-Lab Inside' Projects at CES 2020

Samsung has picked 5 innovative projects from its C-Lab Within program to showcase at CES 2020. For those unaware, C-Lab Inside is Samsung's incubation program that started dorsum in 2012. Allow's take a await at the projects to know how they stand apart from other projects.

i. SelfieType

SelfieType Samsung CES 2020

The start project on the list is SelfieType. As the proper noun hints, the project uses the forepart photographic camera as an input method for a virtual keyboard. There is a proprietary SelfieType AI engine that analyzes finger movements and converts them into QWERTY keyboard inputs.

Notably, the projection requires no additional hardware. This could exist helpful for people well-versed in touch typing to get the same amount of typing speed in a mobile device, say a smartphone.

2. Hyler

Hyler Samsung ces 2020

Hyler is a smart highlighter that can be used to digitize texts from newspaper. Using Hyler, y'all tin collect information and manage them afterward using the app. Information technology as well has a search mode that lets users quickly lookup for words. The search results are sourced based on the chosen search engine or dictionaries linked to Hyler.

3. Becon

Becon Samsung CES 2020

Confused to choose a hair production? Becon volition do it for you lot. Becon analyzes your scalp and provides recommendations based on the diagnostics. An additional hand-held device is required to apply the service.

Becon checks diverse aspects of your scalp including pilus follicle density, expressionless skin, sensitivity, temperature, and humidity. You tin track your scalp's improvement with the provided app.

iv. SunnySide

Sunnyside Samsung CES 2020

SunnySide project is an attempt to produce artificial sunlight. The device replicates the full spectrum of sunlight. It even helps to synthesize Vitamin D without going outdoors, which would be ideal for people living in extremely hot countries. The unabridged setup can be installed on the wall.

5. Ultra V

Ultra V Samsung CES 2020

Worried nearly beingness exposed to the sunday for a long time? Ultra 5 sensor would help you out. The sensor measures and logs ultraviolet rays. It tin be hands integrated into vesture devices. There is an app to monitor and manage the pare condition and Vitamin D production levels as well.

Every bit I mentioned before, all these projects will be presented in CES 2020. Which 1 among these projects is your favorite? Allow us know in the comments.


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