
Fujifilm's New Instax Mini 11 Changes the Selfie Game

instax mini 11 feat.

instax mini 11 feat.

Fujifilm recently appear the Instax Mini eleven that extends the line-upwards of their popular instant point-and-shoot cameras. The successor to the Instax Mini nine, the Mini 11 brings a lot of new features and tweaks with information technology. However, the USP of the Mini xi is the "selfie mode" that changes the selfie game for these instant point-and-shoot cameras.

In the previous models of the Instax Mini series, to take a selfie, an additional lens was required that clasped on height of the main lens. With the Mini 11's new "selfie mode", users can easily pullout a translucent extension from the main lens to activate the selfie style. Just pull the lens ring until you lot come across the "SELFIE ON" mark on the lens. In that location's also a fiddling mirror just beside the lens to help you adjust your selfie frame. At present, y'all tin can hold the camera loftier and aim low to have the perfect selfie and go information technology printed instantly.

selfie on instax 11

Now, this selfie mode also acts as the macro mode and can take shut-up pictures of everyday things. This becomes possible as the selfie way lowers the focusing distance to 0.3m. This means that the camera can focus on objects that are in the xxx-50cm range.

Autonomously from the "selfie mode", the Mini 11 too comes equipped with the auto-exposure feature. In the Mini 9, the user had to employ a dial to adjust the exposure of the picture show. Unlike its predecessor, the Mini eleven can adjust the exposure of a picture automatically, co-ordinate to the ambient light.

The new Instax Mini 11 is coming to the marketplace in March 2020 and will retail for around $seventy (~Rs 5,000). You tin can check out the Instax Mini 11 right here.


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